Friday 9 June 2017

Indigenous Education

At Linwood, we are continuing to work at incorporating Indigenous perspectives into our classrooms in a variety of ways. Many classrooms are learning about the Seven Sacred Teachings (respect, love, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility, and truth) through literature and art, including our divisional program known as The Integrated Arts, where professional artists work in the school. The Social Studies curriculum also addresses various aspects of citizenship as a core concept across all grades. The concept of diversity, including Indigenous perspectives, is integrated throughout the curriculum.


Some of our classrooms hold teacher led Sharing Circles as a format for class meetings.  Others are fortunate enough to participate, at different points during the school year, in a Talking Circle program led by a member of the division’s Indigenous Education Department.  The Talking Circle is part of divisional programming held within the classroom, for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students to learn and benefit from.


Talking Circles create a safe space where all learners have a voice, and feel honoured, respected, and valued. The Talking Circle is used to build community, foster respect, develop public speaking skills, develop listening skills, and extend understanding.  It is also used to integrate Indigenous perspectives into the school culture.


As part of the Talking Circle program, classrooms may be invited to participate in a smudge.  Teachers will send home more specific information and a permission slip with students who are invited to participate.  All families will be informed in advance of the date that a smudge will be lit and plans will be made for students with severe allergies/ respiratory issues.

The date of our next smudge will be Tuesday, June 20th.  Classroom participating are Rooms 4, 16, and 18.   

For more information about the St. James-Assiniboia School Division Indigenous Education Department, please visit their website  Manitoba curricular documents are available here



As always, we value your participation in your child’s education.  Please feel free to contact us at any time,




The Linwood Teaching Team

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