Tuesday 28 October 2014

Constable Cain at Linwood

Personal Safety Presentation

On October 27, the grades 2-3 students learned about different safety concepts from Constable Andrea Cain of the Winnipeg Police Service.  She used engaging music, videos and discussion to teach students how to identify unsafe situations and what to do to protect themselves. A few of the topics were: How to Identify Safe People and Places, Road Safety and Internet Safety. The children contributed relevant comments and asked questions. Please ask your child to share with you something learned from the presentation.

Internet Safety Presentation
Constable Andrea Cain encouraged the Grade 4 and 5 students to think carefully about their internet usage and online safety.

She encouraged parents to:

·       set limits around screen time

·       ensure that children only use their technology in family spaces

·       check their child’s accounts, chats and postings often

·       only allow children to download programs or apps with parental permission

·       cover webcams when not in use as they can be remotely activated

·       turn off geo-tracking on your child’s device so pictures cannot be tracked to your child’s location

The students learned that everything you post on the internet is there FOREVER and that everything you say or do online can be tracked back to you.  She taught to “THINK” before we post:

T – is it True?

H – is it Hurtful?

I – is it Illegal

N – is it Necessary?

K – is it Kind?

She taught the children to:

·       pick secure passwords and usernames and only share these with their parents

·       keep personal information private

·       know who their followers are – real friends not people met online

·       never say unkind things or make fun of people online – that’s cyber-bullying

·       block people and tell parents if someone says/does something inappropriate

·       never agree to meet someone in person that you met online without checking with a parent


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